Best Golden Milk Latte recipe with our compliments for your healthy longevity nutrition and relaxation.


Red Cabbage and Carrot Slaw Recipe This easy recipe is full of nutritious crunch, making it perfect for lunch boxes and yummy leftovers.

chocolate cookies on a cooling rack with a marble background

Gluten free Chocolate Chunk Cherry Cookies rich in antioxidants, a delicious energy boost.


Healthy longevity secrets all about you!

Healthy longevity secrets personalized for you

Unlocking the Power of Personalized Nutrition is the secret to longevity and vitality for a lifetime. With so many modern conveniences, and marketing claims, it is easy to forget the true power of personalized functional nutrition when it comes to creating great long term health that feels fantastic now. The reality is, what we consume and how we relieve physiological stress directly affects our overall health and well-being.

Daisy Fields Company empowers health and wellness with integrative nutrition by providing clients with the best quality sources for a variety of functional nutrition and stress relief tools to aid their personal wellness journey. Personalize your healthy living lifestyle with Daisy Fields Company because you are one of a kind!

The season is right for focused Self TLC. Same as nature changes the foods that come in season, and we shift our clothing, and the nights cool, your body benefits from synching with the natural seasonal cycles. Take advantage of the change, an excellent time for a detox. We do not suggest a harsh starvation or liquid only diet, or even a fast. You can do a great deal of good for your body, mind and spirit with a gentle Bioclear™ cleanse. The Biocidin Bioclear™ Microbiome 30 day detox is just three products that comes with a neat little guide pamphlet to lift your habits for with common sense TLC along with the recommendation for the Bioclear™. Look for Bioclear™ here and enjoy the health article: Time for a Detox? How to Get it Right.

How You Doing Baby Face:  Tips to Live Younger with Every Age

Read the health article compliments of EatRight-LiveWell™ and  Tam John

A little wrinkle here, a little line there.  No problem!  Whether you choose to be injected with plumpers, fillers and chemicals, how you roll with the signs of aging can be a great asset!  The plumpers, fillers and chemicals do not solve the facts of functionality for combatting the course of nature left untended to.  Intervene those little signs and lines that indicate the natural progression of age is happening to fortify yourself.  In this article we will explore what those indicators and good old (ahem) time can mean for your internal function.  Practice the tips to hone your choices to slow down collagen depletion and keep yourself living strong. Read the full health article.

A peanut butter and banana sandwich may not be the first thing you think of when you think of eating healthy, but what is healthy is all about what is in it | how it was made and how well you are assimilating | digesting it. The health article ‘Peanut Butter and Your Gut: What You Might Be Missing’ will give you a fresh perspective, and maybe you will bring back the good peanut butter. The question will be whether you like yours creamy or crunchy!


The need for pure water is well known yet in America where drinking water is commonly plentiful, it is documented that 28% older adults are chronically dehydrated, and some say 75%.  In the health article: Quench Your Thirst, you will receive a solid foundation to build your consistent quality water consumption to fuel your healthy living lifestyle.

The route for true Root Cause Nutrition

Compliments of EatRight-LiveWell™ and Tam John

In this article you will learn how to nourish your body + brain’s great inclination for health and wellness at every age.  You will learn how health deterioration happens and how to stop it, then turn it around.  You will learn how to nourish yourself well, not by following a diet, but rather by learning what is truly healthful and satisfying for you.  You will learn how to prioritize the best choices available to optimize your body’s ability to keep you healthy, live strong and do what you wish to do.  It’s your life.  Live it well!

A hand holding a bunch of carrots just pulled up from the ground

Book your Insight Call to ask how Root Cause Nutrition with Daisy Fields Company | EatRight-LiveWell™ can answer your health puzzle.

A true understanding of root cause nutrition is worth getting a handle on to change the trajectory of poor health. 

Many scientific concepts and healthy approaches get mangled with mass media, and let’s say good intentions.   Root cause nutrition is not a one size fits all protocol or diet.  A symptom or group of symptoms doesn’t have a universal source!   READ THE HEALTH ARTICLE

Truly bio-individual nutrition for your body + brain is the heart and soul of living well.

You deserve truth in your food! A Fresh Wellness Mindset guides readers to navigate a personal path to eat right and live well. Read doctor and reader book reviews.

massage table with BioAcoustic Mat and Biomat

Daisy Fields Company is a Biomat® and BioAcoustic Mat™ authorized distributor.

Far Infrared Ray offers functional recovery and neural rehabilitation. There is no better addition to a truly bio-individual food lifestyle than physiological stress relief. For this purpose we are grateful for the Richway International suite of products which we are proud to be an authorized distributor. Using these wonderful scientifically proven and FDA cleared Class II medical products for whole body + brain is like being in a vast nature filled sanctuary every time. It is all about Far Infrared Ray thermotherapy and negative ions from amethyst gemstones. Visit our Biomat® and BioAcoustic Mat™ (for vibroacoustic sound therapy | Music Medicine USA store.

Interested in creating a channel to integrate health and wellness for others? Since 1997 Richway and its flagship Biomat® have helped thousands of people worldwide achieve health wealth. Enjoy our Richway International article to inspire health wealth and contact us.

Nutrition healthy habits

Building healthy nutrition habits is a journey that many of us embark on, often seeking quick fixes and fad diets in our quest for a healthier lifestyle. However, true lasting change comes from adopting truly personalized, sustainable and nourishing eating habits that can be maintained for life. With the overwhelming amount of information available, it can be challenging to navigate the world of nutrition. That's why EatRight-LiveWell with Tam John is here to provide you with researched and valuable insights with practical tips on how to build healthy nutrition habits that can help you improve your overall health. Please enjoy the articles and inspiration to give your body an easier time keeping you healthy.

When you are ready for a truly personalized nutrition game plan to meet your unique bio-individuality, a partner for the long game of living well with fast feel better results, reach out and ask how our approach is a game changer to help you like no other!


Blood Pressure Guidelines

Blood pressure is a health marker that can have a root cause in blood sugar imbalance.

One in three Americans has prediabetes which can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke; and many people don’t know they have prediabetes according to experts. Take heart with a functional nutrition game plan, because healthful change is possible when you EatRight-LiveWell™

Get the guide with our compliments to take your blood pressure with accuracy.


Beyond Blood Sugar Control: Deep Dive into Type 3 Diabetes

Three major lifestyle related diseases – heart disease, diabetes, and obesity begin to take root in human physiology long before they are diagnosable.  Their symptoms vary from fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, insatiable eating, anxiety, and many more. 

The three are interrelated so that if you have one, the others may express themselves too. 

In this EatRight-LiveWell™ article we are going to dive into diet and lifestyle answers that can improve the trajectory of your health and balance your blood sugar with a focus on preventing type 3 diabetes. 

Pro Tips to Reboot Healthy Meals

Tam John’s feature in Avid Lifestyle magazine.

Receive five of Tam John’s timeless recipes and her ‘Pro Tips to Reboot Your Healthy Meals Index’ featured in Avid Lifestyle magazine.


EatRight-LiveWell guides preventive nutrition for the balance of minerals and hormones with functional nutritional therapy and personalized wellness tools including Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Read Tam John’s article published with APW Colorado. Ask Functional Nutrition expert Tam John how the nutrition education she teaches on this topic and more can work for your group in person or virtually.


Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the forest as you embark on a therapeutic journey with Forest Therapy.  This ancient practice, rooted in Japanese culture, has gained widespread recognition for its remarkable benefits.  READ THE HEALTH ARTICLE: The Science of Forest Therapy

Conquer Insomnia and Low Blood Sugar: The Ultimate Guide to a Restful Night's Sleep 

Experts agree, the connection to blood sugar imbalance and poor sleep quality is well documented. UChicago Medicine cites insomnia is linked to high insulin resistance in diabetics. JAMA studies the ‘Association of Sleep Time With Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Glucose Tolerance.’ Medical News Today states ‘Just 6 hours of sleep loss increases diabetes risk.’

The EatRight-LiveWell article ‘Conquer Insomnia and Low Blood Sugar’ to begin your blood sugar imbalance turnaround.


Achieving a Healthy Balance: Unleashing the Power of Precision Nutrition 

Welcome to the world of precision nutrition, where science meets lifestyle to optimize your health and well-being.  Precision nutrition is an integrative approach that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle factors, preferences, and individual goals to create a personalized nutrition plan that works specifically for you.

Embark on a journey that prioritizes nutrient-dense foods right for your genetics and preferences, tailored meal plans, and evidence-based strategies to support your overall health and vitality.


Keto diet right. Get the tips from Tam John featured in The Villager.

five cyclist in white uniforms at Climax Colorado summit.

Photo courtesy of Dr. David Bruton, Jr.

Bruton’s Books Cycling Team

Get Efficient and Fast Smart. Work hard.  Play hard.  Naturally you want to enjoy your life and level up your performance.  Putting recovery first as a preventive strategy with bio-individual nutrition builds a solid foundation for your physiological and psychological processes to restore yourself to greater states than before workouts and events. Read the full article.


Getting the Zzzzs Your Body Needs

In an article, Biocidin Botanicals says, “Sleep is easily one of the most important things you do each day. 

How long you sleep and how well you sleep can have a profound effect on your overall health – including your gut health. 

Mood, energy levels, and mental clarity all tend to decline when we don’t get enough sleep.

Over time, a lack of sleep can profoundly affect your long-term health.”


The Secret Ingredient for Optimal Health: Exploring the Benefits of Glycine-rich Foods  

In our quest for optimal health, we often focus on specific nutrients or superfoods.  But what if there's one secret ingredient that could take our well-being to the next level?  Enter glycine-rich foods.  

Glycine, an amino acid, plays a crucial role in our body's overall function. From promoting better sleep and reducing inflammation to supporting mental clarity and aiding digestion, glycine offers a wide range of benefits.

Turnaround your health with a personalized methylation diet.

Health turnaround to boost energy, improve mood and enhance cognitive function with a personalized methylation diet.

Supercharge Your Health with a Methylation Diet: Boost Energy, Improve Mood, and Enhance Cognitive Function

Discover the power of methylation nutrition and unlock a whole new level of health and well-being.  

lavender image of a head with blue butterflies in the brain area and around the top

Biocidin Botanicals discount coupon code: Enter ‘ERLW20’ at checkout for 20% off. On every order.

Listen Up - Your Gut and Brain are talking to each other. Read the article from Biocidin Botanicals.

Biocidin Botanicals is about humans empowering each other to protect and support health in the face of today’s complex challenges.

Save 20% on every Biocidin Botanical order by entering ‘ERLW20’ at checkout.

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