Relieve stress and pain naturally with proven Far Infrared Ray Biomat
Biomat® is used by experts in medical clinics, hospitals, integrative health offices, acupuncture, massage, world class spas, and healthy homes around the world for 28 years and is still going strong.
Biomat® is the only authentic FDA cleared Class II Medical device offering Far Infrared Ray, the most beneficial Lightwave (NASA), EMF radiation protection, the entire surface area covered in amethyst and tourmaline (most effective gemstones to produce a nature like immersion | negative ions) and its scientific 17-layer design for safety and quality.
Experts emphasize that altering the habits to lessen the stress hormone cortisol, prevalent in the human body, can lead to a significantly improved quality of life. An independent doctor study revealed a remarkable 78% reduction in stress, measured through cortisol levels, brain biofeedback, and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) with the use of Biomat®. It can help you achieve this better feeling life too!
Proven effective worldwide for 28 years and counting.
Biomat Far Infrared Therapy and BioAcoustic Mat Music Medicine work for scientifically proven all natural health and well-being.
Music Medicine with BioAcoustic Mat nurtures brain to body harmony
BioAcoustic Mat™ offers clinically proven and Doctor choreographed therapeutic music with scientific micro-stimulation to bring you into greater well-being for relaxation, renewal, sleep and ultimate performance.
Variable Alkaline Water Filtration from your Kitchen Tap
Mineral rich, pure, pristine, antioxidant rich variable alkaline water is the fountain of youth!
Alkal-Life 7000sL™ delivers the power of water so good you can taste and feel from your kitchen tap with test results and best pricing to prove it!
Alkal-Life 7000sL™ delivers pure mineral-rich alkaline antioxidant rich water. FDA certified.. Ask us why it is the most advanced H20 ionizer in the world.